B.S. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (Summa cum laude) 1956
A.M. Harvard University 1957
Ph.D. Harvard University 1960
Appointment History
Frank B. Baird, Jr. Professor of Science, Sept 1,2003 to retirement June 30, 2015
Guest Scientist, Ris¿ National Laboratory, Denmark. 1993. January 1993 to June 1993
Visiting Scientist, Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory. September 1985-June 1986.
Visiting Professor, Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. September 1978-May 1979.
Director, Materials Research Laboratory, Division of Applied Sciences, Harvard University. January 1974-January 1978.
Consultant, RCA Corp., Princeton, New Jersey. August 1966-June, 1973.
Visiting Scientist, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Faculte des Sciences, Orsay, France. August 1970-June 1971.
Consultant, Battelle Memorial Institute, Naval Ordnance Lab., Silver Springs, Maryland. February 1969-June 1971.
Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University, July 1,1968-August 31-2002.
Associate Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University. July 1, 1964-June 30, 1968.
Member of the Bell Telephone Laboratories Technical Staff, Murray Hill, New Jersey (while on leave from Harvard University). July 1, 1963-August 31, 1964.
Assistant Professor of Applied Physics, Harvard University. July 1, 1961-June 30, 1964.
Sperry Gyroscope Co., Great Neck, New York. July 1961-June
Consultant, MIT Electronic Systems Lab.
Research Fellow, Harvard University. 1960
Engineer, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Great Neck, New York. June-September 1956 and June-September 1957.
Engineering aide, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Great Neck, New York. June-September 1955.