Jens and Peter at 1st HASYLAB measurement
Alan Braslau, Jens, Moshe and Peter outside HASYLAB
Yokho, Alexei Grigoriev, Oleg Gang, Oleg Shpyrko, Patrick, ME and Masa outside Gordon McKay
Peter, Ben and Holger Tostman and APS
Peter, Ben and Patrick at APS
Happy Peter at the end of a measurent
Ben and Lorraine Ocko at the Cocktail Party
Tim Salditt facing Lorraine and Peter at Cocktail party.
Tim Salditt with Lorraine Ben and Peter at Cocketail party.
Moshe and Peter
Mark Schlossman with Peter
Peter, Moshe, Eric Sirota, Oleg Gang and Denis Keane (Former Harvard Undergrad)
Banquet Table (Oleg Gang, Denis Keane, Masa Fukuto, Yohko Yano, Alex Weiss and his wife, Lorrain, Ben, Me, Moshe, and Eric Sirota
Lorraine, Ben and Moshe
Patrick Huber, Yohko, Alex, Ben, Oleg, Denis, Masa, Eric, Lorraine, Mark, (ME) and Moshe
Peter thanking Ben and others at banquet