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Masafumi Fukuto
Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University (June 2001 - December 2003)
Advisor: Peter S. Pershan
Research/Teaching Experience:
- Postdoctoral Fellow (Harvard University, June 2001 - December 2003).
Advisor: Prof. Peter S. Pershan,
Department of
Physics and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Projects: X-ray scattering studies of thin wetting films.
- Observed critical Casimir forces in thin binary wetting films adsorbed on a Si surface.
- Observed critical adsorption of surface-induced smectic layers at the interface between a nematic liquid crystal and a liquid wetting layer.
- Characterized thickness-dependent correlations between capillary-wave fluctuations at the liquid/liquid and liquid/vapor interface.
- Research Assistant (Harvard University, Sept. 1994 - May 2001).
Advisor: Prof. Peter S. Pershan,
Department of
Physics and Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Projects: Synchrotron x-ray scattering studies of Langmuir monolayers on water.
- Studied monolayers of C60 derivatives,
gold nanoparticles, and helical polypeptides.
- Observed liquid-like 2D structure factor from amorphous solid phases of Langmuir monolayers.
- Characterized structural changes across compression-induced monolayer/bilayer transitions.
- Characterized lateral homogeneity of liquid surfaces using off-specular diffuse scattering.
- Teaching Fellow (Harvard University, Physics Department, Spring 1995).
- Undergraduate Research (University of Oregon, June 1992 - July 1994).
Advisor: Prof. David C. Johnson,
Department of Chemistry and
Materials Science Institute
Projects: Solid state reactions in Nb-Se binary thin films using superlattice reactants
- Studied effects of layer thicknesses and composition on reaction mechanism,
especially competition between interdiffusion and formation of stable
intermetallic compounds.
- Studied energetics of Nb5Se4 formation from amorphous intermediate.
Techniques used: DSC, TGA, low-angle and high-angle x-ray diffaction.
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Current Address:
Masafumi Fukuto
Department of Physics, Bldg. 510B
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
Tel: (631) 344-5256
Fax: (631) 344-2739