Harvard University
Structure of Liquid Metal and Liquid Metal Alloy
Poster presentations
People working on the project:
Principal Non-Harvard Collaborators
The liquid metals project is carried out in collaboration with x-ray
groups at the Physics Department
of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) , NY and Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Originally the experiments were
performed at the beamlines X25and X22B of the National Synchrotron Light
however, since Summer 2001 many experiments have been carried out at the Advanced Photon Source
at Argonne National Laboratory
(APS) sectors ID-15 (
and ID-9 (CMC CAT).
This work is jointly supported at Harvard by the U.S. DOE Grant No.
DE-FG02-88-ER45379. Measurements
at the NSLS are supported by DOE grant DE-AC02-76CH00016
Investigators from other institutions that collaborate with us
receive other support.
Outline of the project:
In the absence of
a crystalline lattice, a liquid metal is considered to be a
two-component fluid with the ions coupled to the nearly-free
conduction electrons through Coulomb interactions. The ions can be
treated classically as a positive background jellium, whereas the
electron gas has to be described by quantum mechanics. In contrast to
liquid metals, dielectric liquids can be well described as a
one-component fluid consisting of hard spheres in the simplest cases.
fundamental differences in the basic physics of liquid metals and
liquid dielectric fluids are not manifested in the bulk structure of
the two as revealed by x-ray or neutron diffraction. For example,
the pair correlation function describing the structure of liquids in
real space is almost identical for free-electron liquid metals such
as Na and simple dielectric liquids such as liquid Ar. The structure
of the surface on the other hand presents a relatively unique
opportunity to study the difference between a liquid metal and a
dielectric liquid because the interatomic interactions depend
strongly on the changing density along the liquid-vapor interface
only in the case of a liquid metal. In fact, the transition from the
liquid to the vapor phase corresponds to a transition from a metallic
state (nearly-free electrons) to a nonmetallic state (localized
electrons) in the case of a liquid metal. By contrast, the type of
interactions remains the same along the liquid-vapor transition in
the case of a dielectric liquid (van der Waals interactions with
electrons well localized at a single atom or molecule).
Apart from this more involved consideration, the
macroscopically observed fact is that the surface tension of liquid
metals is often at least one order of magnitude larger than the
surface tension of dielectric liquids at comparable temperatures.
Larger surface tension suppresses thermal fluctuations of the surface
and allows measurement of the microscopic surface structure.
analytic jellium and pseudopotential calculations, as well as Monte
Carlo computer simulations all lead to the prediction that the
extremely flat surface created by the conduction electrons acts as a
hard wall that suppresses positional fluctuations of the near surface
ion cores. This should result in atomic layering at the surface of
liquid metals, i.e. positional ordering of the ion cores normal to
the surface. The electron density is therefore expected to display
characteristical oscillations at the interface decaying to the bulk
electron density after a few atomic distances. The existence of
surface layering has been proven experimentally by our group for liquid mercury, gallium, tin, bismuth indium and potassium . In
contrast to liquid metals, simple monotonic profiles without any
oscillations have been simulated for dielectric liquids, i.e. the
atoms or molecules show no order perpendicular to the liquid-vapor
A cartoon depicting this fundamental difference and
the density profiles normal to the surface for liquid metals and
dielectric liquids can be seen here.
In addition to ordering normal to the surface (layering), the ions in both the Au-Si eutectic and the more complex Au-Cu-Si-Ag-Pd glass forming alloy.
have been observed to be ordered within the surface layer (in-plane order). In
principle, these two structural features of the liquid metal surface
are accessible using two different x-ray scattering techniques: the
technique of x-ray reflectivity for layering and the grazing
incidence x-ray diffraction (GID) to obtain information about the
in-plane order. At the moment there is no experimental evidence
supporting in-plane order at the free surface of a pure liquid
metal. Furthermore, the Au-Ge eutectic, which has nearly the same phase diagram
as Au-Si does not have surface ordering.
At this point in time the reason why some alloys have in-plane surface order and some do not
is not explained.b>
A sketch of the experimental set-up with a few
explanatory notes can be viewed here.
In order to investigate the surface of liquid metals, several
experimental challenges have to be taken into consideration :
- Structural features of the surface occur on the length scale
of a few Å. This implies that the measurements have to be
taken out to large values of the momentum transfer, qz,
the difference between incoming and scattered wavevector. Since
the reflectivity R falls of drastically with q z (for a
flat surface with q z4), high flux
synchrotron x-rays have to be used whenever high q z's
(corresponding to small length scales) are probed.
- At large q z's, the directional scattering from the
surface can often be obscured by diffuse scattering from the
underlying bulk phase and special background subtraction
techniques have to be developed to separate the interesting
surface signal from the bulk diffuse scattering.
- Thermally excited capillary waves roughen the surface and thus
obscure the microscopic structure at the surface. This effect is
the more pronounced the higher the temperature and the lower the
surface tension. We developed techniques to retrieve the intrinsic
density profile (not broadened by surface waves) from the
experimentally determined reflectivity for metals with a
relatively low melting point such as Hg, Ga or In. For liquid
metals at high temperatures and/or comparatively low surface
tensions it is not clear if these same intrinsic features of the
electron density profile will be observable. We are currently
studying the free surface of alkali metals, which do have low
surface tensions, in order to explore this question.
- If very thin wetting layers of liquid metals could be formed,
the capillary wave roughness would be suppressed and layering
could even be studied at high temperatures. We have some ideas how
this might be done and we hope to start such experiments in the
near future.
Apart from those more principal considerations, the following
points are of importance for our particular experiments on liquid
metals and alloys:
- the surface of the liquid metal must be atomically clean. In
the case of
liquid mercury, the purest metal available, to some degree oxide
contamination can be prevented by purging a vacuum tight cell with
reducing hydrogen gas; however, for our final experiments the
liquid was drawn into a preevacuated UHV chamber from the interior
of a bulk liquids., In and Bi were investigated under UHV
conditions and oxide monolayers are effectively removed by
sputtering with an ion gun.
- mechanically induced vibrations have a strong influence on the
qz range available for measurements and the use of an
active vibration isolation table effectively suppresses any
outside vibrations.
- because of the high surface tension mentioned above, liquid
metals do not wet the substrate and their surface is curved. In
the case of small samples special techniques for taking and
analyzing the data have been developed.
Liquid Metals
Apart from stimulating experimental challenges,
the liquid metals project offers insight into different topics lying
far beyond the scope of simple structure examination:
- layering has been observed so far only for those few liquid
metals for which the melting temperature is low enough the Debye-Waller factor due to thermal capillary
waves does not render their observation impossible. The electron density profiles are considerably different
for Ga, In and Hg. For example, differences in the surface
structure of liquid In and liquid Ga can be explained by the fact
that Ga displays directional bonding in the bulk liquid whereas In
behaves more like a nearly-free electron metal in the melt. Also,
the statistical properties of the thermally induced surface
roughening can be explained with simple capillary wave behavior in
the case of liquid Ga and In whereas liquid Hg shows a more
complicated variation of the surface structure with temperature.
Obviously, the investigation of other liquid metal surfaces is
mandatory to obtain detailed insight into the physics of surface
- the formation of oxide films can be monitored. In the case of
Ga, the formation, growth, thickness, stiffness, homogeneity and
temperature dependence of a thin oxide layer has been observed.
This thin oxide film completely protects the underlying bulk
liquid from further oxidation similar to the oxide passivation
observed for solid Al exposed to air.
Liquid In shows a completely different behavior. Here, macroscopic
oxide islands form once the liquid is exposed to the same amount
of oxygen that created a homogeneous oxide film on liquid Ga.
These oxide islands do not wet the LM surface and therefore do not
effect the x-ray reflectivity. Upon further exposure to oxygen,
the islands eventually grow into the center of the sample and the
reflectivity drastically decreases due to the large roughness of
the oxidized surface at this point. This oxidation or corrosion
pattern ressembles the way solid Fe oxidizes upon exposure to
Generally, the reaction of liquid metals with oxygen (and other
gases such as ammonia) is of interest for physics, chemistry and
materials science and this topic will pursued in the future
- the formation of Langmuir monolayers can be observed, namely
thiols on mercury. So far, monolayers have been investigated
either on dielectric liquids such as water or on crystalline metal
surfaces such as Au(111). Liquid metals provide an intermediate
subphase for monolayers. Interestingly, the chemisorption of a
thiol monolayer on liquid Hg does not suppress the surface induced
layering in a significant way even though the the Hg-S bond is
strong enough to be expected to effect the surface structure.
Liquid Metal Alloys
Our most recent experiments exploring how surface induced layering
is affected by alloying two liquid metals. Typically, the surface
layering is suppressed or destroyed when the two components differ
considerably in size. In addition, new surface phases that depend on
the type of bulk interactions between the two components can be
studied. Examples are:
- Weak interactions between the two components lead to ideal
mixtures or alloys with a eutectic. We have studied the exemplary
Ga-In system and found surface segregation of In, the lower
surface tension component. In addition, we have proven
experimentally that this surface segregation is confined to the
very first atomic surface layer.
- Repulsive interactions result in a miscibility gap. As an
example, we studied Ga-Bi alloys for different temperatures. At
temperatures below the monotectic temperature of 220 C , the Ga
rich fluid coexists with solid Bi. We find the same monolayer
segregation described above for the case of Ga-In.[2]
Above this monotectic temperature,the Bi monolayer persists;
however, a thick Bi rich film forms between the Bi monolayer and
the Ga rich fluid. We believe this is the first direct measurment
of the microscopic structure of a wetting layer for the surface of
any binary LM. The Bi monolayer persists above the critical
consolute point at 262 C where the subsurface fluid becomes
homogeneous whereas the thick Bi rich film vanishes as
For more information about GaBi project, please refer
to GaBi Poster (large JPEG file).
- Attractive interactions between the two components lead to the
formation of ordered intermetallic phases in the bulk solid phase.
One objective is to find out if the pronounced order that prevails
in the bulk solid but is not present in the bulk liquid is
preserved at the liquid surface.
In order to answer the latter question, we investigated several
Bi-In alloys. Two of them corresponding to stoichiometric
intermetallic phases in the bulk solid (InBi and In2Bi)
and one with the concentration of the low melting eutectic. In
addition to a layering peak found for these alloys, pronounced
oscillations are present as well. The period of these oscillations
(0.9â-1 corresponding to a structural feature of
a length scale of 6Å is suggestive of the presence of Bi-In
pairs at the surface of the liquid. Similar competition between
surface layering and intermetallic phase formation at the surface
has been observed in dilute Hg-Au alloys.
Partial List of the Earliest Poster Presentations:
More recent presentations are availble from the link in the side-bar to the home page
Lead-Free Solder Binary Alloys: X-Ray Studies of BiSn
Oleg Shpyrko, Alexei Grigoriev, Diego Pontoni, Peter Pershan, Ben Ocko, Moshe Deutsch,
Binhua Lin, Jeff Gebhardt, Timothy Graber, Mati Meron
The 8th International Conference on Surface X-Ray and Neutron
Scattering, Germany 2004;
APS Users Meeting, ANL, 2004
Surface Oxidation of Liquid Sn
Alexei Grigoriev, Oleg Shpyrko, Christoph Steimer, Peter Pershan, Ben Ocko, Moshe Deutsch,
Binhua Lin, Jeff Gebhardt, Timothy Graber, Mati Meron
The 8th International Conference on Surface X-Ray and Neutron
Scattering, Germany 2004;
APS Users Meeting, ANL, 2004
Surface Structure Study of Liquid Eutectic Alloys:AuSi and AuGe
(2004 NSLS Users Meeting Poster Presentation Winner)
Alexei Grigoriev, Oleg Shpyrko, Christoph Steimer, Peter Pershan, Ben Ocko, Moshe Deutsch,
Binhua Lin, Jeff Gebhardt, Timothy Graber, Mati Meron
NSLS Users Meeting, BNL, May 2004;
APS Users Meeting, ANL, May 2004; The 8th International Conference on
Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering, Germany 2004
Atomic Layering Structure at the Surface
of Liquid Sn
Oleg Shpyrko, Alexey Grigoriev, Christoph Steimer, Peter Pershan, Ben Ocko, Moshe
Deutsch, Binhua Lin, Mati Meron, Tim Graber, Jeff Gebhardt
APS Users Meeting, ANL, May 2004; The 8th International Conference on
Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering, Germany 2004
Surface studies of water:
Are all liquids intrinsically layered?
Oleg Shpyrko, Masa Fukuto, Peter Pershan, Ben Ocko, Moshe Deutsch, Thomas Gog, Ivan Kuzmenko
APS Users Meeting, ANL, May 2004; The 8th International Conference on
Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering, Germany 2004
- Tetra Point Wetting at the Free Surface of a
Binary Liquid Metal
Patrick Huber, Oleg Shpyrko, Peter Pershan, Holger Tostmann, Elaine Dimasi, Ben Ocko, Moshe Deutsch
International TRI/Princeton Workshop on Nanocapillarity, Princetion , NJ, June 2001
Short-Range Wetting Probed at the Free Surface of a
Liquid Gallium-Bismuth Alloy
Patrick Huber, Oleg Shpyrko, Peter Pershan, Holger Tostmann, Elaine DiMasi, Ben Ocko, Moshe Deutsch
Fifth Liquid Matter Conference, University of Konstanz, Germany, Sep 2002
Breaking the Gibbs Adsorption
Rule: Resonant X-ray Reflectivity from a Liquid Bismuth-Indium Alloy
Elaine DiMasi, Ben Ocko, Holger Tostmann, Oleg Shpyrko, Patrick Huber, Peter Pershan, Moshe Deutsch
NSLS Research Highlights, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Partial List of the Earliest Publications relevant to the project:
More recent publications are availble from the link in the side-bar to the home page
- Surface Layering of Liquids: The Role of Surface Tension
O. G. Shpyrko, M. Fukuto, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, M. Deutsch and I. Kuzmenko , to appear, Phys. Rev. B 69 2054XX, (2004), [arXiv.org/cond-mat/0406579]
- Surface Oxidation of Liquid Tin
A. Grigoriev, O. G. Shpyrko, C. Steimer, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, B. Lin, J. Gebhardt, M. Meron, T. Graber, in preparation for Surf. Sci. (2004) (PDF)
- Surface structure of Bismuth-Tin Binary Alloy
O. G. Shpyrko, A. Grigoriev, R. Streitel, D. Pontoni, C. Steimer, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, B. Lin, M. Meron, in preparation (2004)
- Anomalous Layering at the Liquid Sn Surface
O. G. Shpyrko, A. Grigoriev, C. Steimer, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, B. Lin, J. Gebhardt, M. Meron, T. Graber, to be submitted in Phys. Rev. B (2004) [arXiv.org/cond-mat/0406583] (Abstract)(PDF)(PS)
- X-ray Resonant Studies of Gold-Germanium Binary Alloy
O. G. Shpyrko, A. Grigoriev, C. Steimer, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, B. Lin, M. Meron, in preparation (2004) (HTML) (HTML) (Poster)
- X-ray Studies of Au-Si binary alloy
A. Grigoriev, O. G. Shpyrko, C. Steimer, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, M. Deutsch, in preparation (2004)
(HTML) (Poster)
- Experimental X-ray Studies of Liquid Surfaces
O. G. Shpyrko, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics, Harvard University (2003) (Abstract) (Abstract)
- X-ray Study of the Liquid Potassium Surface: Structure and Capillary Wave Excitations
O. G. Shpyrko, P. Huber, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, H. Tostmann, A. Grigoriev and M. Deutsch, Phys. Rev. B 67, 115405 (2003), [arXiv.org/cond-mat/0406585] (Abstract)
- Short-Range Wetting at Liquid Gallium-Bismuth Alloy Surfaces: X-ray Reflectivity Measurements and Square Gradient Theory
P. Huber, O. G. Shpyrko, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, E. DiMasi, M. Deutsch, Phys. Rev. B 68, 085409 (2003) [arXiv.org/cond-mat/0406661] (Abstract)
- Wetting at the Free Surface of a Liquid Gallium-Bismuth Alloy: An X-ray Reflectivity Study Close to the Bulk Monotectic Point
P. Huber, O. Shpyrko, P.S. Pershan, E. DiMasi, B.M. Ocko, H. Tostmann and M. Deutsch, Colloids & Surfaces A. 206, 515 (2002). [arXiv.org/cond-mat/0406659](Abstract)
- Tetra Point Wetting at the Free Surface of Liquid Ga-Bi
P. Huber, O. G. Shpyrko, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko, E. DiMasi, and M. Deutsch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 035502 (2002). (Abstract)
(PDF) (PS)
Pairing interactions and Gibbs adsorption at the liquid Bi-In surface: a
resonant x-ray reflectivity study
DiMasi, E., Tostmann, H., Shpyrko, O. G., Huber, P., Ocko, B.
M., Pershan, P. S., Deutsch, M. and Berman, L. E.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1583 (2001)
(PDF) (PS)
- Microscopic Structure of the Wetting Film at the Surface of Liquid Ga-Bi Alloys
H. Tostmann, E. DiMasi, O.G. Shpyrko, P.S. Pershan, B.M. Ocko and M.Deutsch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 4385.
(Abstract) (PDF)
- Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Pershan, P. S., Ocko, B. M.,
Shpyrko, O. G. and Deutsch, M. (2000) Microscopic surface
structure of liquid alkali metals. Phys. Rev. B 61.pdf
- Pershan, P. S. (2000) Effects of Thermal Roughness on X-ray
Studies of Liquid Surfaces. Colloids & Surfaces A 171,
- DiMasi, E., Tostmann, H., Shpyrko, O. G., Deutsch, M.,
Pershan, P. S. and Ocko, B. M. (2000) Surface induced order in
liquid metals and binary alloys. Journal of Physics: Condensed
Matter 12, 209-214.pdf
- DiMasi, E., Tostmann, H., Ocko, B. M., Huber, P., Shpyrko, O.
G., Pershan, P. S., Deutsch, M. and Berman, L. E. (2000) Resonant
X-Ray Scattering From The Liquid Hg-Au Surface. In: Materials
Research Society, Symposium AA: Applications of Synchrotron
Radiation Techniques to Materials Science V Vol. 590. Eds. Mini,
Perry and Stock. Materials Research Society.pdf
- Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Pershan, P. S., Ocko, B. M.,
Shpyrko, O. G. and Deutsch, M. (1999) Surface Structure of Liquid
Metals and the Effect of Capillary Waves: X-Ray Studies on Liquid
Indium. Phys. Rev. B 59, 783.pdf
- Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Ocko, B. M., Deutsch, M. and
Pershan, P. S. (1999) X-ray Studies of Liquid Metal Surfaces. J.
Non-Cryst. Solids 250-252, 182-190.
- Pershan, P. S. (1999) X-ray Scattering From Liquid Surfaces:
Effects of Thermal Capillary Waves. Synchrotron Radiation News 12,
- DiMasi, E., Tostmann, H., Ocko, B. M., Pershan, P. S. and
Deutsch, M. (1999) Competition between surface layering and
surface phase formation in dilute liquid HgAu alloys. J. Phys.
Chem. B 103, 9952-9959. pdf
- Tostmann, H., DiMasi, E., Pershan, P. S., Ocko, B. M.,
Shpyrko, O. G. and Deutsch, M. (1998) Surface Phases in Binary
Liquid Metal Alloys: An X-ray Study. Berichte der
Bunsen-Gesellschaft 102, 1136-1141.
- DiMasi, E., Tostmann, H., Ocko, B. M., Pershan, P. S. and
Deutsch, M. (1998) X-ray reflectivity study of temperature
dependent surface layering in liquid Hg. Phys. Rev. B 58,
13419. pdf
- Regan, M. J., Tostmann, H. C., Pershan, P. S., Magnussen, O.
M., DiMasi, E., Ocko, B. M. and Deutsch, M. (1997) Oxidation of
Liquid Gallium Surfaces: X-ray Reflectivity Study. Phys. Rev. B
55, 10786-10790. pdf
- Regan, M. J., Pershan, P. S., Magnussen, O. M., Ocko, B. M.,
Deutsch, M. and Berman, L. E. (1997) X-ray Reflectivity Studies of
Liquid Metal and Alloy Surfaces. Phys. Rev. B 55,
15874. pdf
- Deutsch, M., Magnussen, O. M., Ocko, B. M., Regan, M. J. and
Pershan, P. S. (1997) The structure of alkanethiol films on liquid
mercury: An x-ray study. In: Thin Films:Self Assembled Monolayers
of Thiols. Ed. A. Ulman. Academic Press.
- Regan, M. J., Pershan, P. S., Magnussen, O. M., Ocko, B. M.,
Deutsch, M. and Berman, L. E. (1996) Capillary wave roughening of
surface induced layering in liquid gallium. Phys. Rev. B. 54,
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- Regan, M. J., Magnussen, O. M., Kawamoto, E. H., Pershan, P.
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metal surfaces. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 207, 762-766.
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Last revised 9-14-2016 by Peter