Liquid Helium Films
People working on the project:
Some relevant data can be found here
AFM data was analyzed using home-made AFM analysis program
Also available is liquid helium 100 liter container calibration
As should be clear from the title, we study thin (about 200 Å) helium films. It is hard to resolve details of their structure by
conventional means (visible light), so we use X-Rays (of wavelength ~ 1.5 Å) to achieve our goal. The most common technique
that we use is X-Ray Specular Reflectivity. The experiments are performed mainly at the
National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Lab, but most of the preparation work is done at Harvard,
using the Rotating Anode facility.
To cool the sample to liquid helium temperatures we use a vapor-cooled helium cryostat named Syncryo
(derived from synchrotron and cryostat). The lowest temperature achieved in it was 0.39 K. This temperature is sufficiently low
to condense even the lighter helium isotope, 3He.
Have you ever wondered how people ever get to those temperatures? For an interactive show,
please follow this link.
Parallel to the show above, here is the detailed cross-linked interactive
photo album of the
system components.
To learn more about this work, please look into the relevant publications:
Get a postscript version of our
abstract in the 1995 BNL annual report.
X-Ray Induced Electrostatic Charging of Helium Films.
K.Penanen, P.S Pershan, M.J. Regan and I.F. Silvera
Journal of Low Temperature Physics, vol.101, no.3/4, p.489 (1995)
L.B.Lurio, T.A Rabedeau, P.S. Pershan and I.F Silvera, Physica B
169, 507 (1990).
L.B.Lurio, T.A Rabedeau, P.S. Pershan, I.F Silvera, M. Deutsch, S.D.
Kosowsky and B.M. Ocko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 2628 (1992).
L.B.Lurio, T.A Rabedeau, P.S. Pershan, I.F Silvera, M. Deutsch, S.D.
Kosowsky and B.M. Ocko, Phys. Rev. 48, 9644 (1993).